Tuesday 1 March 2016

Forget Paris

Forget Paris is a romantic film which has talked about the intimate relationship between an NBA referee, Mickey and an independent working woman whose lives are interrupted by marriage, Ellen. The story began in a restaurant in New York City. Andy prepared to introduce his good friends to his fiancĂ©e, Liz. He began to tell the love story of mickey and Ellen while they are waiting for the arrivals of others.  
            The components of intimacy, passion and commitments seemed in the relationship between Mickey and Ellen. They fell in love with each other in Paris after they have met several times. Ellen brought Mickey to walk around Paris and they had enjoyed time spent together. They danced, kissed and hugged in Paris. Mickey spontaneously decides to delay his flight return to the United States as he did not want to leave Ellen. Mickey is forced to return to the United States as the NBA season begins. Their intimate relationship has experienced long run of challenges but their love toward each other has let them stay together. 

            According to Festinger (1957), cognitive dissonance happens when individuals’ belief is incongruent with the action performed.  Mickey and Ellen had showed an example of how cognitive dissonance influenced their relationship after they married. Mickey likes his job as an NBA referee but his wife, Ellen wanted him to quit his favorite job so that he can have more companion time for her. After resigning his job, mickey found another job, salesman. Though Mickey has more time to accompany Ellen, he is unhappy with his job. Problems began when cognitive dissonance is happening among them. They quarrel with each other and Mickey decided to go back to his original job after the advice from his friend.  After getting back to be NBA referee, the intimate relationship has some changes. Finally, they choose to compromise by respecting each other’s personal life and they end up with the happy life.   

After marrying, they faced with a lot of challenges like different working time, lesser companion, and the involvement of the third party. They always missed communicating with each other which they did not actually mean with what they had said. They had experienced the changes after marrying. They struggled a lot with the changes but they chose to compromise. After watching this movie, I learned the important of communication between couples which can really affect the intimacy between each other. The honeymoon period does not last forever, and I learned how to compromise and be patient in an intimate relationship when there are new changes happen.    

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